Companies around the world use Primas’ solutions and services to provide exceptional customer experience and employee experience. Primas has a reputation of providing the best solutions, professional services and customer service in the contact center industry. Our customersappreciate the level of care they experience during the implementation process and the continued support they receive after installation is complete.
We power better business outcomes through a comprehensive yet simplified agent experience which, in turn, empowers them to provide exceptional customer experiences.
Our contact center customers love their Primas solutions and services.
- We save companies time and money, while improving agent productivity, post call processes and capacity for future innovation.
- We can transform voice-only agents into omni-channel agents in as little as one day.
- We enable agents to work from anywhere with full access to all the resources they need
- We deliver flexibility and ownership of the contact center to drive a seamless customer experience.
- We provide robust reporting and supervisor capabilities to improve agent efficiency and measure overall contact center performance.
- We dramatically reduce your decision-making timetable.
- Our solutions improve your CX immediately while allowing you time to thoroughly evaluate your future options and prepare for your next steps.
We solve our customers' problems quickly and inexpensively.
Large Healthcare Provider in the Pacific Northwest - Their Dilemma
- Not sure which way to go
- Not ready for transition to cloud
- Not willing to spend the time and money needed for a major upgrade to their existing call center
- Needed omni-channel and state-of-the-art contact center capabilities quickly and inexpensively

The Solution
Primas CX – The “Other” Way
A “Middle Ground” option to premise upgrades or moving to the cloud

Overlaid onto Existing Premise-based Call Center
Required just a few minor modifications to their existing system
Provided state of the art, comprehensive omni-channel functionality
Implemented quickly and easily in Less than a week on 2 VMs!
Available on premise or in the cloud – (They chose premise)
Used existing equipment – no new hardware required
Reduced the wait time to achieve measurable results from weeks or months to just days
Easily customized to meet their specific requirements
Can work with any PBX (Avaya in this case) – just need CTI and SIP channel